Tuesday, October 9, 2012

and...We are HALFway There!

That is all life is about. 

Five days ago,
October 4,
I had a helmet check up to see how things were progressing.

It was a very positive appointment. 
Mom, dad and Doctor Hunsaker were all very happy and smiley. 
So I was happy and smiley. 

The Dr. said a lot of big words. 

But the gist of it was:
My brachycephaly problem is corrected. 
Meaning BEFORE the helmet, my head was almost as wide as it was long...so too circular. 
But, NOW those measurements have reached a 0...which is where they should be. 

My plageocephaly is halfway done.
Meaning BEFORE the helmet, the diagonals of my head measured 11mm. 
Which is borderline crossing to severe. 
But, NOW those measurements are down to 7mm...and that was after about 4 weeks of wearing the helmet!

Our goal.
Dr. Hunsaker would like to get my diagonal measurements to a difference of 3cm or less. 
And he said we will be there in 6 weeks or less. 

This helmet will be off in no time!

Now once we get to the 3mm 
we can either stop if we are satisfied or, 
IF I still have room to grow in my helmet 
(meaning we have not reached that maximum circumference of growth measurement allowed in 
my helmet) 
then we can continue the process until I get to that 0. 

Realistically though, 
I don't think too many people actually have a perfectly shaped head. 
(But, if we do decide to continue and go for the difference of 0mm, 
Dr. Hunsaker will continue
his check-ups and measurements 
to make sure we do not come close to reaching that maximum circumference of growth measurement that 
my helmet allows. 
Because reaching that number is unsafe and risky for numerous health reasons 
involving head/brain growth. 
So he will make sure we do not come close to that circumference number. 
Thanks Doc!)

This is Cohen, 
  Keepin it round all 'round the town.

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